大家都知道维也纳是世界音乐之都, 几百年了,现在也不怎么再做市场营销,反正默认大家都知道。 所以相比英美一些新秀文化城市,维也纳显得比较含蓄。不过她的文化实力在业内是顶级的,懂的人都知道。
维也纳有个圈子,叫做Arts Management, 通俗的翻译过来就是艺术管理,主要负责大小文化活动组织,圈子很小,大家都认识。维也纳除了各大音乐厅其实到还有很多小型音乐会在上演,私人定制性质的,当地人更喜欢这种身临其境的感受。金厅听了千百遍,不如自家花园里演一遍。店里开业,请一帮人来拉琴,婚丧嫁娶也请人来演奏,价格不菲,低调的奢华。
Ms Wei 有幸结识了几位圈内人,他们分享了一些让我眼珠都掉下来的观点:
English Version:
Here is the music sharing of THE SWAN of the violoncello artist YoYo Ma. There will be some interesting piece of information sharing of Wiener Phiharmonik in next episode. So if you are interested, please subscribe…
Everybody knows the name of Vienna as the ‘world capital of music’. Compared to some rising cities from UK and US, Vienna is very moderate regarding marketing itself.
There is a bunch of people doing Arts management in Vienna. It is not a big social circle and people know each other within that circle. They are the group of people working with artists all around the world in Vienna. Except for the concerts carried on in the concert halls, there are thousands of small ensembles organised by them every day around the city. Local people like to have the small ensembles more than going to the music halls. They believe this is the real decent lifestyle-they grow up with the big concerts anyway.
Fortunately, Ms Wei has talked to some of the arts management guys. Some of the information they gave really surprised me:
YoYo Ma is a real artist, genius, decent with high taste
Some one, piano player, name with two characters…is named as 'Clown'. Local orchestra are reluctant to cooperate with him. But his rank is very high in China and Chinese people like him, well, then everybody has to go there and show courtesy.
China should pay attention of sending artists to the Great Hall. Some bad ones have given bad impression to the rest of world. Don’t use micro phone in the Great Hall, please!
Well, it’s Thursday, weekend is coming. Sharing happiness and spreading positive energy. Wish you a nice day!
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