无法感受音乐之美?其实是脑区间的功能连接较弱 PNAS 论文推荐

2022-06-18 21:18:00

来源 medicalepress

作者 Bob Yirka

翻译 安定

审校 李骏 董堃

来自西班牙/加拿大的一组研究人员发现,那些无法感受音乐之美的人,其大脑中负责声音处理的区域和管理情绪的区域之间的联系较少。他们的研究结果最近发表在 PNAS 上。











【题目】Neuralcorrelates of specific musical anhedonia

【作者】NoeliaMartínez-Molina et al.

【期刊】Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences (2016). 


Although music is ubiquitous in human societies, there are some people for whommusic holds no reward value despite normal perceptual ability and preservedreward-related responses in other domains. The study of these individuals withspecific musical anhedonia may be crucial to understand better the neuralcorrelates underlying musical reward. Previous neuroimaging studies have shownthat musically induced pleasure may arise from the interaction between auditorycortical networks and mesolimbic reward networks. If such interaction iscritical for music-induced pleasure to emerge, then those individuals who donot experience it should show alterations in the cortical-mesolimbic response.In the current study, we addressed this question using fMRI in three groups of15 participants, each with different sensitivity to music reward. Wedemonstrate that the music anhedonic participants showed selective reduction ofactivity for music in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), but normal activationlevels for a monetary gambling task. Furthermore, this group also exhibiteddecreased functional connectivity between the right auditory cortex and ventralstriatum (including the NAcc). In contrast, individuals with greater thanaverage response to music showed enhanced connectivity between thesestructures. Thus, our results suggest that specific musical anhedonia may beassociated with a reduction in the interplay between the auditory cortex andthe subcortical reward network, indicating a pivotal role of this interactionfor the enjoyment of music.



▽ 故事

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